Landing Imperfect
Empowering people to break free from the chains of self-doubt and limiting beliefs by embracing our imperfections. Hope you enjoy!!
Landing Imperfect
3 Powerful Lessons for Success
Jen dives into the top three lessons she learned from this incredible weekend, including the power of resilience and overcoming rejection, the critical importance of mindset in achieving lasting success, and the transformative impact of building strong connections and networking. Jen also reflects on the influence of prominent speakers like Jamie Kern Lima, and highlights how getting out of your comfort zone can lead to remarkable opportunities. Stay tuned for a conversation brimming with inspiration and concrete takeaways to help you on your journey. Let's dive in!
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7 Paths to Lasting Happiness: Happiness is the Ultimate Success in Life!
no, one's going to buy a product because of the way you look, your body type, you know, you need to lose weight. All of those very hurtful things. Some people were just not kind to her at all. And she still kept going Hey guys. I hope you are having an incredible day. And I just wanted to talk about this weekend. If you listened to the episode before I was giving you a little rundown on the speaking competition that I went to. So there was this event in Atlanta called build your brand live. And it was all about building your brand. We talked about mindset. There were some incredible speakers that were there. Uh, Jamie Kern, Lima, Jesse Itzler, Trent Shelton, and a handful of other incredible speakers. This was hosted by Jen Gottlieb and Chris Winfield. We learned a little bit about AI, which was awesome and incredible networking event. Um, so as far as the speaking competition that I entered, I made top 15. So I was a semi-finalist. I did not make top six. Um, I was a little disappointed about that, but I still am just so incredibly proud. There were. Actual speakers who entered the competition. There were speaking coaches. I mean, there was just a handful of incredible people that were involved in the competition. So the fact that I even made it to top 15 is a it's more than I could have asked for. So the whole experience was incredible and I'm so happy for everyone who made top six. But. I wanted to share a little bit about what my takeaways were from the weekend. I would say, so top three things that I learned, and I learned so many different things, but I'm going to go over three things that really hit home to me. So the first thing. That I took away was when Jamie Kern Lima was giving her story. And if you guys aren't familiar with her, she is the founder of it cosmetics. And she ended up selling her company for$1.2 billion. But along her journey, she shared her whole journey and it's such an encouraging. Story about resilience. She created this product because she has something called rosacea on her face and she was a news anchor. So when she would be on broadcasting. She would hear in like in her ear, P S people would say, there's something on your face or something on her face. And she knew that it was her makeup cracking. So the redness was like coming through. So she had all this fear about, oh my gosh, am I going to lose my job? Because I am like losing ratings she created this product for women who were struggling with similar things. And it's an incredible product. She built a website with her husband, her and her husband both quit their jobs. So she built this website. She created this incredible product, and then she had spent. Three years. I believe it was of. Hearing nonstop knows from, I mean, she was trying to get it, her product into Sephora and to Ulta onto QVC. All of these major platforms, she was trying to get her product into and everyone was saying, no, she said she would hear hundreds and hundreds of nos. And when your buildings like a business or something. That amazing. She said that she really leaned into her gut. Like she knew. That she had created something so special, even though people were telling her no after no. And she was getting harsh, knows like, no, one's going to buy a product because of the way you look, your body type, you know, you need to lose weight. All of those very hurtful things. Some people were just not kind to her at all. And she still kept going that to me, this is why I do feel like a lot of people do not succeed in their business or just in their goals in life because we often. I can give up too soon. So sometimes we will. Reach our upper limit, whatever that is. Once we start to reach that and we are getting out of our comfort zone. We want to do anything to keep us inside of our comfort zone. So we might start to self-sabotage or we might give up too soon because we're just not used to that type of stretch, that personal growth. So we kind of lean back out of fear. Out of imposter syndrome. Any of those things, perfectionism and the fear of rejection too. So my biggest, one of my biggest takes takeaways, as she had said, Rejection is your protection. So even if you're getting a no. Sometimes that know is protecting you from getting involved in something that may either be terrible for your business or your personal life, it's it's redirecting you. So even Jen Gottlieb says rejection is redirection, so it's leading you somewhere else. And I thought that was so powerful because a lot of times I just be in a perfectionist. And not liking failure or not liking being told? No. Well, I'll say a recovering perfectionist, because I have done a lot of work on this. Hearing rejection or hearing a no, no one likes that. Of course. But it does give you this sense of yes. Like trying to reframe the way that you're taking rejection or you're thinking about it and knowing that yes, you can feel disappointed and you can feel hurt. That's normal because it means something to you. So of course you would be disappointed, but it's not stopping you from continuing on just because they said no doesn't mean the next person's going to say no, and I've listened to a lot of. Successful people who say I heard no hundreds of times, 10, 20, 30 times before I actually got what I wanted. So if you're trying. Uh, most people are like, well, I tried this well, they tried one or two times, and then they give up in there and then they're like, that's not trying. And a lot of things that I've done in my life. It's it's that consistency. It's the rep repetition. It's not giving up on what I want to do. And I really do believe that rejection is your protection. So I loved it that I thought that was a huge, huge takeaway for me. So the second thing that I took away from this event is, and it's, it's something that I already have been working on, but just to hear it again from very successful people is you have to work just as hard, if not harder on your mindset. Then you do on your business or your job. To be able to sustain true success. Long lasting success. You have to have the mindset to match because if you're constantly beating the crap out of yourself, you're so hard on yourself. You're in this negative vibration, this negative energy. You're likely not going to be able to sustain something that's very magical, so focusing on yourself the last two years, I have really done a lot in personal development and personal growth and really investing in myself and working on myself. And that's one of the reasons why I went to this event. Because. I'm I wanted to get into rooms with other people who were going through similar things and we're really investing in working on themselves too. So I truly believe, and I think that's a big takeaway for anyone who's listening that please work on yourself. And then the next takeaway, which this might be. I don't know. I can't even say that one's more important than the other, because I think they're all incredibly important, but connection. It's building a community. It's a networking. It's getting into the rooms. Like I was over the weekend and connecting with people because I have been working on my podcast and. Trying to think of business ideas and something I could do on the side to earn passive income. And I've kind of been out on this limb by myself. And when I got into this room, I mean day one, I had 10 people that I already had on a list who wanted to be a guest on my podcast. Versus, I think I've had five guests maybe total since November on my podcast. So that is. The power of getting around the people who are wanting to do similar things or the same things as you, and getting away from just being behind the screen in your home. In a small community where there's not a lot of people who are doing what you're doing is going to really move the needle. I mean, I can't believe I even have, I mean, I think I have more than 10 people on this list of people that, who, who want to be on my podcast and people that I can be on their podcast as well. And not just that I met incredible people who are doing amazing things in the mental health space, which there's, there were entrepreneurs in all different areas of business, but this, there were so many in the mental health space that I was connecting with. And one of the doctors, Dr. Ellia, who is an incredible person, he is known as the happiness doctor. He wrote a best-selling book. He is on this mental health network. He's going to have a show on there. So he introduced me to the producer on this mental health television network and day one just day one. I couldn't even believe this were I'm having these interactions, texting back and forth with a producer. And I got on the schedule to do a segment. And that would have never, well, I can't say never. It. It could have happened, but not as quickly as it did by getting into the room. So it's not just cause you can form connections on social media. But I will say the difference for me when you're talking behind a screen and you're interacting on social media. It is not the same as being in someone's presence and in the same room as them.'cause they get to really know who you are. You get to see them, they get to see you. You're interacting back and forth. You're having these conversations face to face. They can. I mean, it's really all about that connection between the two and then you build trust. That's just the power of being in that space with other people and the opportunities that come along with it and having long lasting connections with amazing people. So if you have an opportunity. And you've been sitting on it where you know, of an event or a conference or something, that's going to get you in a room with people that are like-minded or doing similar things as you. Then I highly recommend going to those things. I would love to do two or three of these events a year, just so that I can get in the room and connect with these people because it can. Speed up the growth in your business. Uh, it's amazing what happened in a weekend versus what has happened for me in the last six months. So that is my, that is my thing for you. If you are sitting on. You know, if you're thinking debating, should I go to this? Should I go to this? Yes, you should absolutely go to that. Definitely. Three big takeaways. Rejection is protection. Rejection is redirection. So keep that in mind, reframe the way that you're looking at rejection and to. You have to work just as hard, if not harder on your mindset than you do on your business or your job. And three is connection. So building a community is going to help you grow much faster than if you're trying to do it yourself. So build those important connections network with people who are. Doing similar things in you, or you're talking with someone who's several steps ahead of you who can give you advice. They can be mentors for you. You can offer them. Your expertise or skills that you have and you guys can trade back and forth. So those are my three biggest takeaways. So it was an incredible weekend. I had the best time I met the most incredible people and I'm so grateful for the opportunity. And I hope that you guys have a beautiful week. And I will see you next week. Thank you so much for joining me on this episode of landing imperfect. I truly appreciate you being a part of this community and sharing this journey with me. If you do want to connect further, then don't hesitate to follow me on Instagram at Jen dot Lander. I would love to hear your thoughts, any questions or any stories that you want to share. So, DME there, I also have a website. It's a landing and perfect website where I share a blog post about my podcast, and then you can join my email list. I have a PDF that provides anxiety and stress management tools that you can. And use as well when you join my email list. So check it out. My website will be linked in my show notes. So don't hesitate to reach