Landing Imperfect

The Power of Imperfect Progress: Overcoming Setbacks Through Consistency and Positive Thinking

February 07, 2024 Jennifer Lander
The Power of Imperfect Progress: Overcoming Setbacks Through Consistency and Positive Thinking
Landing Imperfect
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Landing Imperfect
The Power of Imperfect Progress: Overcoming Setbacks Through Consistency and Positive Thinking
Feb 07, 2024
Jennifer Lander

In this episode, I share my personal journey of overcoming setbacks and staying consistent through life's challenges. From setting and achieving daily exercise goals to recognizing the power of positive thinking, I encourage you to keep pushing forward. Together, we're building a community of support and inspiration. Join me on this journey and don't forget to leave a review to help spread the message. Cheers to a wonderful February and stay tuned for more. Your dreams might just be a habit away!

00:00 Gym routine disruption leads to frustration.

05:08 Positive thinking attracts positivity; consistency means perseverance.

07:50 Build community, inspire, support, share real experiences.

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Show Notes Transcript

In this episode, I share my personal journey of overcoming setbacks and staying consistent through life's challenges. From setting and achieving daily exercise goals to recognizing the power of positive thinking, I encourage you to keep pushing forward. Together, we're building a community of support and inspiration. Join me on this journey and don't forget to leave a review to help spread the message. Cheers to a wonderful February and stay tuned for more. Your dreams might just be a habit away!

00:00 Gym routine disruption leads to frustration.

05:08 Positive thinking attracts positivity; consistency means perseverance.

07:50 Build community, inspire, support, share real experiences.

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Follow Bin Bargains:

Follow Jen:

You guys, I have to take a minute to share with you an amazing store that just opened up a few weeks ago in Geneva, Ohio. Ben bargains aims to make your shopping experience affordable while providing quality products at unbeatable prices. And when I say on beautiful prices, that is exactly what I mean. They offer the most incredible highlight items in their bins. Insane deals, a few things that they've thrown in there.$7 bins are a PlayStation five AirPods iPads. Amazing toys for over a hundred dollars home decor. I mean, you never know what high quality highlight items they're going to add to their bins. Lots of wonderful retail that can fill your house at prices. You won't believe. New inventory every Friday and restock for more goods on Saturdays for their$7 Ben days. I know he keeps saying$7 Ben days. I don't think I've mentioned this, but the most you will pay for their bin items is$7. My mind is blown. They have Sam's club and target clothing brands high seriously could go on and on about how amazing the store is. And the owners, Jeff and Heather bedroom. They bust their butts to provide you guys with the best deals and experience in their store. Their staff is so welcoming and friendly. I'm telling you, you make your way over to Ben bargains located at seven 11 east main street, Geneva, Ohio. And you will know exactly what I'm talking about. Stay up to date with them on Facebook at Ben bargains, where they often share their deals and you can find their hours and Ben prices there as well. So happy shopping Hi everyone. So we are into February and I hope everyone had a great January. I know I did, it was my birthday month, so I celebrated and I just had a good time, but I am in the north. So the winners tend to weigh on me energy-wise and. I don't know, just my mood. I feel like I'm on the struggle bus sometimes, but today is a Sunday. And the sun is shining and I feel so good. I'm like, Ugh, seriously, what I needed. So thank you February. I really appreciate it. And I hope you guys are feeling that way too, if you're in the north, because my goodness, we absolutely need it. But the other day I woke up and it was a Friday and I was feeling like, crap. I mean, have you ever woken up? And you just feel like crap. And it's kind of like for no reason I slept fine. I slept enough hours. But I think just that mood kind of started setting in to where other things started to bother me. And then all of a sudden, I remember the day before I forgot to do something that was important. So my husband and I, the month of January, we set out to do this exercise challenge, which was really fun. We were doing 50 squats, 50 pushups. 52nd wall sets, uh, 52nd planks, and I completely forgot to do it the day before. And we were going to do it every day. It was the daily challenge. I was so upset. I'm like, what the heck? Because I, I didn't even have anything really going on that would've made me miss it. I was reading most of the day. It just, you know what it was, I think, because I typically would do those exercises in the morning at the gym and I didn't do it that day. I was kind of running short on time at the gym. So. I think that threw me off and then I just completely forgot about it because it's out of my routine, my normal habit of doing the exercise. So I woke up the next day and I was like, whoa, my gosh, what's the point? What's the point of keeping going. I was so mad. That I forgot. And I was telling my husband about it and I was being crabby, AAF. I felt so disappointed. I'm like, oh my goodness. So I was telling my husband about it and I'm like, what is the point seriously? And he's like, well, the point is, I want you to keep doing it with me. So just keep doing it. And I'm like, Ugh, whatever. So man. So, I mean, I was really crappy and instead of staying, just in that crabby mindset, I'm like, okay, what can I do to get out of this? So I kept my routine. I still went to the gym. And even though I didn't really want to, I was like, this is the best thing for me, just because I knew that if I didn't, I was just going to keep piling on the things that were upsetting me, that okay. Like, you know, going to the gym makes you feel good. You look forward to it. That'd be like self-sabotaging and like, let me just keep piling on the things. So I went to the gym. And I kept my routine and I did the dang challenge. Even though I didn't want to, I was actually kind of rolling my eyes the entire time I was doing this dang exercise. I'm like, Ugh, stupid pushups. Stupid. I'm like, oh my gosh. But I'm so glad that I did because, and I'm not saying this. Felt better after day one, but after day two, three of like continuing on this challenge, I actually did feel good because for me. Uh, someone who can have that all or nothing thinking sometimes, or that perfectionism starts to creep in a little bit. It's a good reminder for me to step back and to realize that I just need to be consistent. Like that is the thing for me is to be consistent. It's not okay. Well, you already screwed this up, then. Forget all of it and don't do it anymore. It's no. That's okay. You're human. You're going to keep going because that's what we do. And I got myself up and I just kept doing the thing. So after a couple of days of being annoyed, that I missed that one day. I started to feel better and I felt more confident too, because I'm like, oh my gosh, I can stick to commitments. And the cool thing was when I was at the gym too. I was intentionally looking for ways to lift my mood up and to get out of that funk. And when you do that, it reminds me of that blue car syndrome. You know what that is, right? Where say you bought a blue car, and you never saw a blue car before that specific blue car. Everywhere you go after that, you're seeing these blue cars pop the exact car. It's just popping up all over the place. It's not that it wasn't there before. It's just that your brain wasn't registering that as something important. So, and we have so many things that are going through our minds on a daily basis. There's only so much storage space for what's happening in the day. So it has to filter some things out. What's important. What's not important. So a blue car before it wasn't important. Now it's important. My point is this can also be important when it comes to negative thoughts and positive thoughts were it works both ways. So if you are someone who is constantly just bashing yourself or having these negative thoughts, your brain is going to recognize that as something that's important to you like, oh, okay. So you think that you're a piece of crap. You think that this is stupid. You think you're an idiot. It's like, okay, well, let me look out here and I'm going to find all the reasons why you're stupid or why you're an idiot or blah-blah-blah anything that you're saying. You're just looking for reasons to validate or. make sure that what you're saying is actually true. So, like I'm saying that that is the same when it comes to positive thoughts too. So if you start incorporating more positive thinking into your life, And you're looking for the positive, in a situation that can be kind of frustrating. Your brain will spot out the things that's like, oh, that's, that's something to be grateful for. That's something positive in your life. So my whole point, let me swing back around is when I was at the gym, I actually saw this quote. That I'm like, yes, yes. This is exactly what I needed right now. And the quote is, and I'm not sure who is the. Is responsible for the quote. I wish I knew so that I could get them credit. But the quote says consistency doesn't mean never making a mistake. It means never giving up. And that was exactly what I needed to hear right at that moment. And I'm doing a lot of work when it comes to recognizing positive thinking, negative thinking, and how it affects my day to day and how I'm showing up in the world. And I encourage other people to do the same too. So I'm trying to have that awareness, that self compassion, and I'm recognizing certain things. So when something like that pops up, I'm like, Yes. Thank you. Thank you for giving that to me because I needed that. You know, so. So look for the positives, look for the things that you know that are going to lift you up, because it really does have an impact on your life. And on your day on the moments, it helps lift you up from those down spaces. So, I am very glad that I stuck to consistency. And I got out of that all or nothing thinking, and I wasn't focused on this as a failure I was focusing on, this is a lesson to learn. And I'm just going to keep going and pushing forward. I do want to encourage you to do the same. Because a body and rest stays at rest. A body in motion stays in motion. If you're feeling like you're having a really hard time, don't stay stuck in that emotion. You can feel what you have to feel. So if you're feeling frustrated, you're feeling discouraged. I'm not suggesting that you don't feel those emotions. You're human. You should be feeling those things at different points in your life. Especially if it's valid, you know, It makes sense, but I'm just saying move through. It don't feel like you need to be stuck in it. So feel it, and then move through it. There's no reason why we need to be beating ourselves up over being human. Okay. You got this? Just keep going forward. And I wanted to start this thing too, because I appreciate so much everyone who takes the time to listen to this podcast. And gives me feedback on different ways that it's impacting their lives or helping them. Cause that's the whole point. Like I want to build this community. With all of you so that you feel inspired and supported and you have somewhere to turn in the moments that you feel like you don't have anywhere to turn, because there's been plenty of times where. I'm having kind of a crappy day and I'm processing and I'm not ready to talk to someone close to me, family member, friend, or whoever, and I have found a lot of inspiration and a lot of suggestions and advice on podcasts. So I do love the way that it shows up in my life. And I hope that I can be a piece of inspiration in your life too. So I wanted to share. A review from a listener. And this is from pods way. And she says, wow, Jen's ability to share her own real life experiences reminds us that we are not on this journey. Called life alone. She offers valuable tips from building new habits so that we can create the life we dream about extraordinary out of the ordinary. I'm grateful to have found a perfectly imperfect podcast with wit and valuable insights. So thanks pods way. I really appreciate you. And I appreciate all of you guys. So if you want to help me get this podcast out, the best thing that you guys could do for me and for this podcast is to give it a five-star review. And write a review that would be incredibly helpful. So I appreciate you guys. I hope that you're having a wonderful beginning to your February. This is such a special month for me. It's my son's birthday month. My brother's birthday month. My best friend's birthday month, they have so many wonderful things happening in February. So. Like I said, I hope you guys have a great February and I will see you next week. Bye. So real quick after I just edited this whole thing, I was realizing I'm going to be releasing this podcast on my brother's 40th birthday. So I had to come back and give a huge shout out to him. So happy birthday, Jeffrey. I love you so much. I hope this day is as amazing as you are. He is enjoying it on the beach. I'm so jealous. I wish I could be there, but I hope you have the best day. I love you with all my heart. So happy birthday, big bro. Thank you so much for joining me on this episode of landing imperfect. I truly appreciate you being a part of this community and sharing this journey with me. If you do want to connect further, then don't hesitate to follow me on Instagram at Jen dot Lander. I would love to hear your thoughts, any questions or any stories that you want to share. So, DME there, I also have a website. It's a landing and perfect website where I share a blog post about my podcast, and then you can join my email list. I have a PDF that provides anxiety and stress management tools that you can. And use as well when you join my email list. So check it out. My website will be linked in my show notes. So don't hesitate to reach